Chubby chasers are guys who prefer big women. By prefer, were taking about they’d rather not fuck average weight chicks. They definitely want to stay away from chicks who are underweight. In other words, they don’t believe in the average standards of beauty in the United States and Western Europe. Just like all the members on https://www.bbwhookup.org
Chubby chasers for the longest time, were quite a weird bunch. Conventional wisdom and general culture thought that they were deviants, and they didn’t really fit the standard narrative of sexual desire and sexual normalcy in the United States. Thanks to the current demographic and health trends in the United States and elsewhere, chubby chasers are becoming the majority.
An increasing number of men are now turning their back on average weight and underweight women. Instead, they are actively chasing after women who are overweight by 100 to 150 pounds. They’re chasing the flab; they’re chasing a land whale; they’re chasing fat girls. These are the things that you hear regarding chubby chasers, but if you really want to be serious about all of this, they’re not chasing fat chicks. They’re not chasing flabby women. They’re not chasing after these chicks because they have nothing else better to do with their time. They’re definitely not doing it because they’re desperate.
Instead, they’re doing it because they’re just being real. According to demographics, the average woman in the United States is getting bigger. We’re talking about obesity. In fact, more and more women are reaching morbidly obese states. This not a suggestion, this is not a prediction; this is reality on the ground.
The rise of the chubby chase of chubby chasers and chubby chaser culture in general, is not some somewhat demographic fluke. It’s not some weird fetish; it is just a group of men finally waking up to the reality that its ok to want what women look like in the here and now instead of chasing some sort of imaginary ideal of beauty, they are mature and sophisticated enough to love women for what they are. I believe that’s a great thing.